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Hello, I am an artist and welcome to my gallery.
You may find some of my works very challenging and cerebral, so I have added detailed explainations to help you understand
them. If you wish to buy any of the works, you may email me. Enjoy!
"Trapped In A Box", oil on canvas.
I made this painting when I was feeling 'trapped' by the confines of the traditional gallery space, frustrated
at the expectations for an environment to be box-shaped. Note the green triangle, an exciting and refreshing taste of what
lies beyond the 'white cube'.
"Shop Up", acrylic on recycled cardboard.
A clever wordplay on the phrase 'shut up', drawing on the fact that the trolley symbol can be personified
as some kind of monstrous mouth. I wanted to bring up the issue of whether we should be saying 'shop up' to Capitalism.
"A Painting of Me Painting", watercolour
on watercolour paper.
A challenging concept that makes the audience question their own boundaries and
interpretations of a fictional space, as opposed to reality. It paticularly emphasises the impossibility
of photorealism in a painting being a replacement for realism in a painting. The cold colours also remind us of 'cold